25 mars 2015 0 4593 Vues

Conférence de Augsburg

Conférences organisées par ILADS, à l’attention des professionnels de santé.

Téléchargez le programme

We would like to remind you that we are soon closing the registration for the Conference! You will find the most updated program in attachment! If you wish to participate, please register now : http://www.ilads.org/lyme_programs/augsburg/ilads-augsburg-lyme-conference.php

Please note that participants will organize their accomodation in Augsburg. We cannot assist you in this matter anymore.
We will be available for any further questions!


Morellstraße 33 III. Stock

86159 Augsburg

Tel. +49 (0) 821 – 455471-71

Fax +49 (0) 821 – 455471-70

e-mail: ILADS@b-c-a.de

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