25 mars 2015 0 5661 Vues

Conférence réservée au corps médical

To All ILADS Members and Friends:

We invite you to join the break-through Drexel University – ILADS Conference in April at Drexel University College of Medicine.   This is ILADS’  first partnership with a Medical College and the collaboration promises to continue beyond the conference, reflecting a commitment to bringing clinical experience, research, and patient voice together to improve practice and inform future research.  A key sponsor of the conference, Garth Ehrlich, PhD, states that “ILADS and Drexel are working as partners on this effort as a University – Foundation collaboration.”

Drexel has dedicated the Medical School facilities on April 10-11th to the “Tick-borne and Other Chronic Infections, Research and Practice Conference.”   This is not an ILADS “Basics” conference (although a pre-conference session is provided for those new to Tick-borne diseases).  Rather, it is a significant opportunity to bring your clinical voice into this exciting conversation in a Medical University setting.

All details are in the tri-fold brochure (click here to view) and on www.ilads.org.   We encourage you to register soon, and help us get the word out.  The hotel is offering discounted rates through March 27.  Please use your networks to inform and invite others to participate in this partnership-building conference.

The sponsorship at Drexel College of Medicine is significant, backed by researcher, Garth Ehrlich, PhD, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Brian Wigdahl, PhD.  Dr. Ehrlich’s work is focused on the molecular pathogenesis of chronic infectious diseases, carried out in his role as executive director of the Center for Advanced Microbial Processing (CAMP) and the Center for Genomic Sciences, both within the Institute for Molecular Medicine & Infectious Disease.  Dr. Wigdahl has a keen interest in the immunopathogenesis and neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 and HTLV-I infection, as well as other interests, and is Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease, and Director of the Institute’s Center for Molecular Virology and Translational Neuroscience.

The keynote speaker, Judith Miklossy, PhD, has a significant history studying the role of pathogens in neurodegenerative disease, including Borrelia and Alzheimers.  Dr. Miklossy and Dr. Ehrlich are now in collaboration on this work which has resulted in Drexel developing a program to examine the link between Alzheimers and chronic bacterial infections including spirochoetal Treponemes and Borrelia.

This conference is approved for 12.75 AMA and AAFP CMEs, and has been submitted to the PA State Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours, which are currently pending.

Thank you for helping us spread the word and excitement. Together we can forge a great partnership and make a real difference now and in the future, for those suffering from chronic Tick-borne infections. Having the most experienced and insightful ILADS members and friends there is essential to this cause.

ILADS                                  Drexel University College of Medicine            
Dan Cameron, MD               Garth Ehrlich, PhD                                                   President                              Researcher, Executive DirectorPA Lyme Resource Network
Julia Wagner, MBA
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